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Palazzo dei Papi

Viterbo (VT)

It was erected in its current form by enlarging the palace that was the seat of the city's episcopal Curia when Pope Alexander IV (1254 - 1261, pope from 1254), due to the hostility of the people and the Roman nobles led by Senator Brancaleone degli Andalò, moved the seat of the papal Curia to Viterbo in 1257. Also noteworthy is the "Loggia delle benedizioni" (better known as the "Loggia dei Papi"), with its elegant and harmonious architecture, erected in 1267 by order of the Captain of the People Andrea Gatti, during the pontificate of Pope Clement IV himself. The Palace can be visited by contacting the Museum of the Colle del Duomo in Viterbo. The palace is part of the monumental complex of the Colle del Duomo in Viterbo.

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